Monday, September 6, 2010

Labor of Love

I labored most of the weekend at my lovely part time job ... oh so nice to be outta there tonight!  But on Saturday I was blessed with the perfect day.  I took Millie (my scooter) on her second adventure to the foothills of Golden, Colorado.  I found some back roads to get me there safely from Denver and it only took me 45 minutes to get there this time (compared to the 90 minunte ride a few weeks ago).  Proof that practice makes perfect!

We got to see a classic car show.  What fun!  It felt like I was in a small mid-western, country town watching all the people gather in excitement for their annual parade.  Just good ol' folks getting ready for a good ol' time! 

Old Golden Road was lined with the most gorgeous old cars and trucks I've ever seen in one place.  Cars are my sister's thing (you GO girl), but not mine.  One of the coolest things about the day is that I found a 1956 T-Bird dressed in bright, cherry red.  Whoa!  That has been my dream car since high school, but Millie will have to do for now.

Off to write a bit for my book .... that's the love part.  I am working several jobs so that when its time to travel to faraway lands I'll be financially ready this time.  :)  What a concept! 


  1. very visual writing style you have Lisa. Where are these faraway lands that you hope to visit? Will you be getting there by scooter or do you plan to go somewhere far off like Thailand or Italy? Why is your scooter named Millie?

  2. Lisa, I have often thought about how fun it would be to ride a scooter, but then I remember that going downhill on a bike is scary enough for me! I could handle it though, if I had a life coach telling me to be more adventurous! The best part of it would be riding through the foothills, really being out in nature instead of stuck behind a car window. Maybe I should add it to my list of things to do in the next few years. Thanks for the inspiration. I too am wondering about the name Millie...


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