Tuesday, November 9, 2010

The Door

When at the cabin I stepped outside to enjoy the weather and take a little mental break and rested against the door.
The Andersson Cabin

It was quite an emotional experience to revisit the Peace Love and Coffee tour blog.  I also found notes from 3 years ago when I first began to consider the idea of breaking loose from "the system" of our culture into what I considered "freedom".  Reading the blog about the year directly leading up to our departure was full of peaks and valleys ... the events, the people, the twists and turns .... I'm surprised that we even left!

Sometimes a dream takes on a life of its own.  The forces that moved through us during those tough times took control. We surrendered.  And it was beautifully orchestrated of its own will. 

Like me leaning against the door the other evening.  I leaned lightly against it, a bit scared as I waited for the latch to release and for it to fall open.  It remained strong.  I recognized this fear and decided to challenge myself, so rested into it as if it were a solid wall.  I was still scared of falling down.  I even had visions of how I would fall, if it would hurt, and if I could succeed in falling eloquently to the ground without harm.

Then I let go of the negative chatter.  I leaned against that wall for 20 minutes or so lost in meditative thought.  It remained strong and solid.  I trusted it's strength and all was good.  Just like our dream of the road trip.  Even though at times we felt like we were leaning against that door, unsure if we would be allowed to fall to the ground.

We trusted.  And we succeeded.

1 comment:

  1. Beautifully said Lisa. It's the same process now with the book, leaning, trusting, and the way will appear - despite obstacles, despite challenge, despite disbelief.


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