Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Cookies and Christmas Trees

There are two things I am not.  One is a Christian and the other is a consumer.  Well, there are probably more than two things that I am not, but as to not bore myself or you, I'll only address these two for now.

True, I'm not a Christian, but I'm also not an Atheist, Jew, Buddhist, etc.  I am a lover of people, the earth, peace, kindness, love, and all-around goodness.  I believe in God, the Universe, Supreme Being, a higher source, a power greater than me.  I believe that we are all one and are expressions of that energy.

I can't remember the last time I went to the mall.  Oh wait .... it was last Christmas when I was working at World Market in Eugene OR.  They have a little mall there with a Duck Store (I thought that was super funny!), and a place to have coffee and read that was warm and dry.  I walked over there on my breaks while I was at work.

Both of them (the things that I am not) seem very prevalent as we move our way through December.  I mean, the very word Christmas has "Christ" in it, and it conjures up the "spirit of giving" (which equals buying & shopping).  We see crosses, Joseph, Mary, baby Jesus, Wise Men, Santa, and the the best deals of the year!  The malls are full of the smell of cologne and pissed off drivers trying to get the closest spot. We hear Christmas songs until we turn green and are immersed in expectations for our time and our money.  As for me, I like the simpler side of the season where I give myself room to slow down to a relaxed pace and visit friends and family.

Since I traveled in Santiago last year for Christmas I had no tree, didn't bake cookies, and spent most of those days around Christmas alone.  It wasn't all bad or sad.  In fact, I realized the value of friendships, family and traditions like few other opportunities could teach me.  This year the first thing I did was bake cookies from a recipe book from my Grandma Filer ~ Praline Cookies are SO good!  This kitchen smelled like holiday love!

I had given my old Christmas tree and tons of decorations away before we left because I never thought I'd be in one place again.   But JJ's dad had some foresight and bought her one of her very own with all of the decorations and lights.  We were able to put that tree up this year in our little cottage in Denver.  I found one box of  decorations that had been saved from the Goodwill pile by Heather (thanks, Girly).  It is a gorgeous sight peering out onto the lawn from my front window.

I am so happy to have those symbols of the holiday around me this year!  Feels good.  Feels like home.

Peace to all, Lisa

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