Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Starbucks' New Concept known as 15th Ave Coffee Ends

Must be tough for a corporate giant to create a local space; leave it to the independent corner coffeehouse. Peace ~Lisa

Starbucks Gives Up on New Store Brand, 15th Ave Coffee & Tea

Yet experiment may have yielded dividends

Starbucks (NASDAQ: SBUX) has one of the most recognizable brands in the world, and its name is synonymous with coffee. So why would the beverage giant drop $100,000 to rebrand one of its stores – in its native city of Seattle no less – to experiment with a different sign, different coffee cups and even a different name?

That’s exactly what SBUX did almost two years ago in the Capitol Hill area of Seattle. According to the community website CapitolHillSeattle.com, in summer of 2009 a local Starbucks was converted into a shop that would be known as 15th Ave Coffee & Tea. It was pitched as an independent cafe “inspired” by the global coffee giant — yet on the corporate books, of course.

More: Starbucks NASDAQ:SBUX Rebranding as 15th Ave Coffee Ends | InvestorPlace

1 comment:

  1. Interesting blog. I also love coffee. If you are ever in Panama and want to do a Boquete coffee tour, let me know.


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